full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Anika Hazra: A simple way to tell insects apart

Unscramble the Blue Letters

The chewing mouthpart is the most common. It’s also the most primitive— all other mouthparts are thought to have started out looking like this one before evolving into something different. It features a pair of jaws called mandibles with toothed inner edges that cut up and crush sliod foods, like leaves or other icetsns. You can find this mouthpart on ants from the Hymenoptera order, grasshoppers and crickets of the orerhptota order, diefnoalrgs of the Odonata oderr, and beetles of the Coleoptera order.

Open Cloze

The chewing mouthpart is the most common. It’s also the most primitive— all other mouthparts are thought to have started out looking like this one before evolving into something different. It features a pair of jaws called mandibles with toothed inner edges that cut up and crush _____ foods, like leaves or other _______. You can find this mouthpart on ants from the Hymenoptera order, grasshoppers and crickets of the __________ order, ___________ of the Odonata _____, and beetles of the Coleoptera order.


  1. solid
  2. dragonflies
  3. order
  4. orthoptera
  5. insects

Original Text

The chewing mouthpart is the most common. It’s also the most primitive— all other mouthparts are thought to have started out looking like this one before evolving into something different. It features a pair of jaws called mandibles with toothed inner edges that cut up and crush solid foods, like leaves or other insects. You can find this mouthpart on ants from the Hymenoptera order, grasshoppers and crickets of the Orthoptera order, dragonflies of the Odonata order, and beetles of the Coleoptera order.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
structure called 2

Important Words

  1. ants
  2. beetles
  3. called
  4. chewing
  5. coleoptera
  6. common
  7. crickets
  8. crush
  9. cut
  10. dragonflies
  11. edges
  12. evolving
  13. features
  14. find
  15. foods
  16. grasshoppers
  17. hymenoptera
  18. insects
  19. jaws
  20. leaves
  21. mandibles
  22. mouthpart
  23. mouthparts
  24. odonata
  25. order
  26. orthoptera
  27. pair
  28. solid
  29. started
  30. thought
  31. toothed